Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 5

Welcome to Week 5.

Important Reminders:

Parent-Teacher interviews are taking place this Tuesday and Wednesday.  If you have not yet booked, go to School Interviews and use the code 4pkr9.

Camp meeting takes place at 5.30pm on Tuesday evening

Swimming sports take place from 1pm on Wednesday.

PALs notices need to be returned for the trip to PGA on Friday morning.

Orienteering practice is at Keirunga Gardens this Friday from 3.45pm.

Learning this week.
Language - we are targeting accuracy in punctuation and using paragraphs appropriately.
Maths - Reading and writing numbers and place value as well as How many?  e.g. how many tens in 5670 or how many tenths in 56.7?

Friday, February 26, 2016

Our New Waka

As part of the Kia Kaha programme Room Six children have been designing their own paddles which can be seen on their individual blogs.

Lexi and Lucy designed and painted the waka for the class.  They were assisted by molly and Eden. At 3.5 metres long, it looks better in real life than in the photo.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 4

This week we will be learning:

Maths - knowledge gaps

  • number bonds.
  • writing words and numbers.
  • how many 10s, tenths etc in numbers.
  • how to identify and  use metaphors.
  • continuing with descriptive writing with a focus on punctuation and paragraphing.

The School Triathlon takes place on Wednesday afternoon at 130pm.  Make sure that you have you bike, shoes, helmet and togs.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 3

Hi All

Welcome to Week 3.

Highlight of the week for most of the class is the Weetbix Tryathlon on Thursday.  Those who enrolled through the school will receive their entry packs on Tuesday.

This week in Language we will be writing descriptions based on photographs. We will also be focusing on the basics - punctuation.  Check out IXL English and Activity EE1 (Capitalization).

In maths we will be continuing with statistics along with targeting the knowledge gaps with a focus on rounding numbers and place value (tenths and hundredths).

 Have a great week.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 2

Welcome to Week 2

This week we will be getting into normal class routines so expect to see Homework books (with spelling), reading logs and Maths Knowledge books at home.

In the class we are learning how to collect and display data in maths and sharing personal experiences in writing with a focus on using language devices.

Remember - 'Meet the teacher' takes place at 7.00pm on Wednesday evening.

Friday, February 5, 2016

House Leader Elections

Voting for the House Leaders took place this afternoon.  All leaders shared an introduction before their House Teams  and teachers voted.  The 

The successful students are:

Leaders - Pete and Will
Deputy - Grace

Leaders - Ana and Evan
Deputy - Manu

Leaders - Charlie d and Marcus
Deputy - Lucy

Leaders - Eden and Lexi
Deputy - Charlie R

Well done to all who put their names forward and shared their ideas on leadership.  The quality of the presentations was of a very high standard!  There will be other leadership opportunities during the year for Inter-school sports teams, PALs and NYLD. Congratulations to the successful children.  The staff are looking forward to working with you throughout the year.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Respect and Growth Mindsets

This week in Room 6 we have been learning about . . .




Check out the link to a web page and watch the video explaining the concepts.

The chart  below shows the vocabulary that we will be using in class.

Room 6 February 2016