Room 6 @ Guthrie Smith Education Centre
Room 6’s 2016 Guthrie Smith
IMPORTANT – At this time of the year, Hawke’s Bay weather can be changeable.  In order to make the most of the experience, we will undertake activities even if wet.  Please ensure that you adhere to the clothing list – especially jacket.  
Please remember that the items need not be purchased new.  In the past children have borrowed from other family members, friends or classmates. 
Children need to bring the following gear and equipment to camp.
Please ensure it is in bags that the children are able to carry and that all clothes and gear are clearly named.  Thanks for your help.  If you have any questions please get in touch.
Children do NOT need to wear school uniform to, from or at camp.
Ÿ     Pyjamas
Ÿ     1 pair of long trousers/ track pants
Ÿ     Socks (4-5 pairs)
Ÿ     Warm jersey / sweat-shirt / polar fleece
Ÿ     Shirts (long & T)
Ÿ     Togs in a bag
Ÿ     Underwear
Ÿ     2 pairs of shorts
Ÿ     1-2 polyprop. thermal type tops 
Ÿ     Hats (sun & woollen)
Ÿ     1 Sneakers/shoes (must be suitable for walks)
Ÿ     Waterproof/windproof jacket  - essential
Ÿ      1 set of very old clothes and pair of old shoes for the mud walk.  These may get very muddy.
In the past some parents have bought op. shop items.

Ÿ     Sleeping bag
Ÿ     Pillow
Toilet gear
Ÿ     Toothbrush
Ÿ     Toothpaste
Ÿ     Soap
Ÿ     Sunscreen
Ÿ     Towels
Ÿ     Insect Repellent
Ÿ     Personal medication

School equipment
Ÿ     Chapter book
Ÿ     Pencil/coloured pencils
Ÿ     Writers Notebook

Ÿ     Day pack / school bag – you will be using this for walks, etc.
Ÿ     Named lunch box and water bottles (please remember your water bottles)
Ÿ     3 Supermarket bags (for wet/dirty clothing)
Ÿ     Camera (optional)/IPods are acceptable but are only to be used for photos and music
Ÿ     Torch and batteries       (head torch preferable)      

Ÿ     A healthy morning tea and  lunch to see you through until tea time on Monday.
Ÿ     A large named (and filled) water bottle.

Each family is asked to kindly provide:
Ÿ     1 container of home cooking or fruit (to be brought the morning of camp)
Ÿ     Ingredients for your group ‘cook out’

2nd February
Hi all
I have had a few queries about camp recently and I need to collect a bit of information from parents to help with my planning, so here is the official update.
Room 6 will be attending the Guthrie Smith Education Centre (GSEC) in Week 9 of this term.  It is a fantastic area for an outdoor education experience as it provides a range of activities to suit all abilities and it will be a great chance for me to get to know the children.
·         Dates booked are 30th March to 1st April (2 nights, 3 days).  The camp is approximately 50km from Haumoana.
·         Transport will be by private vehicle.
·         Activities may include: ropes course, orienteering, mud walk, cooking and team challenges and bush walks.
·         Cost (preliminary estimate $150 per child).  Automatic payments can now be arranged with office.
·         In order for the camp to proceed, I need to have 5-6 adults to supervise to meet the correct adult/child ratios.

1 comment:

  1. You have forgotten Charlie R on the Room 6 Children's list on the blog page.
