Thursday, March 24, 2016

Room Six Orienteering

6 Room Six children took part in the HB Sprint Orienteering Champs on Wednesday evening with considerable success.

Evan 1st
Garrett 2nd
Will 4th
Charlie d 6th

Grace 4th
Eden 13th

Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 8

A short week this week and next!  It's important to remember to get organised for camp over the Easter break..

Departure time for camp is 9.00am Wednesday 30th.

Good luck to the children attending the School Orienteering Champs on Wednesday evening.

The links to the children's blogs are now on the Room 6 blog.  make sure that you 'follow by email'.

This week we will be learning to work interdependently to create our evening camp meal for next Wednesday.  Please give your children practical advice where needed.

We will be looking at 'camp maths' which is a practical way to use everyday maths skills.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Week 7

Welcome to Week 7
Firstly a couple of reminders . . .

Camp Fees are due Monday 21st of March (that's next Monday) and . .


Bus pick up time: 9am                      
Estimated finish time: 2.15pm
Bus delivery back to school time: 2.45pm
The children are expected to bring the following items with them
  • Wearing covered shoes
  • Lunch
  • Water Bottle
Parents are welcome to attend.  either jump on the bus with us or travel by car.

In the classroom, we will have a quick look at geometry (position and location) on Monday as Garrett and Will have prepared a course around the school grounds for the class to compete and then we will return to Multiplication.

Writing and Reading will have a focus on correct use of paragraphing and punctuation.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

PALs (Physical Activity Leaders)

Ten Room 6 children traveled to Pettigrew-Green Arena to receive instruction on how to lead physical activities for younger students.  They attended six workshops including communication skills, trouble shooting and leadership.  They have developed a roster and will be leading games at lunch times for the juniors.

2016 PALs - Katrina, Payten, Will, Manu, Daytona, Logan, Jordis, Lulu, Lucy and Samantha

Shop Day Photos

Thank you parents for supporting the Room 5 & 6 Camp fundraiser!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 6

Late notice this week  . . .

Well done to the children who attended the PALs training last week.  We will have a timetable organised by Thursday and you can put your skills to use next week.

Important - inter-school swimming sports at Clive Pools tomorrow.  Make sure that you get your return slips in!

Orienteering notice is out today for the first of the school champs events.

Shop Day notice is out and the children have been organising their ideas for stalls on Friday.

Cycle skills notice is out today  - We will be busing to HBSP next Tuesday for a day of cycle skills.

In class we continue to look at language features and we will be working on multiplication and division skills,