Friday, October 28, 2016

Week 4

The two short busy weeks have flown by with lots of testing and excursions.  Next week should see everyone back in class.

During week 4 we have a 'Food for Thought' educator visiting for lessons on Monday and a 4 Square visit on Tuesday.

There has been a change of plan for our walk to Cape View 4 Square.  As Elephant Hill is spraying on Tuesday, we will be walking via Parkhill and East Roads.

The children will be in their Tropicana gear but will need hats and sensible shoes for the visit.

We will also be preparing our healthy lunch for later in the week.  In groups, the children will plan, budget and assemble their lunch for Friday.

Interschool hockey takes place on Wednesday and there are still a few return slips outstanding. Please get these in as soon as possible.

Upcoming events are:

Tropicana - Week 4 (Sun 6 Nov)
Life Education (body changes) - Week 5
HNI Tech visit & Bike Safety - Week 6

The Cycle Skills competition has unfortunately been cancelled.

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