Sunday, May 29, 2016

Week 5

Robotics and Matariki - Week 4 review and the week ahead - #5.

Congratulations to 
Edward and Logan - recipients of certificates at last Friday's school assembly.

Mathletes - we have had a Mathletics trial to assist our maths learning for the month of May.  I set a weekly goal of gaining 1000 points - well done to those children who regularly achieved this!  Check with your child to see how they have fared!

Some children have exceeded the minimum and shown great progress over the month.  Last week's top results were:

Marcus = 11638 points
Malachi = 11387 points
Hyla = 11313 points
Will = 6018 points
Charlie d = 5760 points
Lillian = 4688 points
Grace = 4220 points

Week 5
This week we have two tutors introducing Lego Robotics to Room 6.  We have 5, two-hour sessions (miss out Thursday) which will finish next Tuesday.
We will also be working on designs for the Tech Challenge.

Our language learning will be based around this and Matariki.

In maths, we will be investigating algebra.

Remember to check out your children's blog or sign up for regular email updates. 

Inter-school rugby at Te Awa on Wednesday.
Selected children will have a notice for the Inter-school Tech Challenge which takes place on the following Wednesday. - I need a couple of parent helpers for this event.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Week 4

Welcome to Week 4

Monday was a popcorn day with the relieving teacher as I was attending Interface Expo in Taupo.  This was a wonderful opportunity to see how technology can be used in the classroom.

School closes at 2.00pm on Tuesday for Learning Conferences (3.00pm Wednesday).  This is an opportunity to share and discuss your child's learning. I look forward to seeing you there.

Congratulations to the mostly Room 6 orienteering team for their success on Sunday.
Congratulations to the mostly Room 6 hockey team for their 11-1 victory and Lucy for the Player of the Day.

Eden also received an award for Best 9 year old in the Aquahawks swimming club.

Harvest Table: This is all set up in the foyer of the office and signals the beginning of our Matariki celebrations. This week please bring along…

Seeds that you have saved                           Seedlings you have planted

Homemade jams, preserves or chutney, pickles etc

Take a hauhake card and keep it safely somewhere.  You will use this card on sharing day to take something off the table.

You can still contribute Legumes – chickpeas, lentils, spices, herbs (can be potted), grains, nuts, oats, buckwheat, autumn leaves and seeds, & treasures fallen from trees.

Sensory Table - Use your senses to discover new things about the spices etc on this table.

Friday, May 20, 2016


As a build up to our Matariki celebrations, Room 6 were taught to weave harakeke (flax) baskets to use as plates for the upcoming hangi.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Week 3

Welcome to Week 3

The Harvest Table has been set up in the office and it's looking spectacular.  This is part of our Matariki study.  Check with your children to see what they can donate . . . and swap later in the term.

Learning Conference newsletters went out today.  Times are 2.15 - 5.00pm on the 24th and 3.00 -5.30pm on the 25th.  This is a great opportunity to share your child's learning

Monday was NYLD - a van load of Haumoana students joined 2000 others for inspiration in Palmerston North.  More to come on individual and class blogs soon!

Tuesday - we had a visit from the 'Waste Team' who shared their message about waste minimisation.

In writing, we are learning to write reports and in maths, we will be learning about volume and capacity.

It is Week 3 of the free Mathletics offer and all children are expected to reach 1000 points by Sunday.

Last week's competition was close and the top five were

Malachi - 7062 points
Charlie d - 6989 points
Will - 6100 points
Grace - 5470 points
Lexi  - 5540 points

Monday, May 9, 2016


Room 6 children have access to Mathletics for the month of May.  Using this programme is part of their homework and takes place of other maths homework tasks.

We have an in class competition with weekly prizes.

Congratulations to this week's winners

Malachi - 7595 points

Will - 4900 points
Evan - 2772 points

Prizes next week for the top 5

Duathlon Success

Primary School Duathlon results  - congratulations to all who took part on Friday.  You represented Haumoana School extremely well.  Full Results are available on Trihb website.

Year 4-6 boys
In the top ten
1 Garrett Olsen, 2 Evan Broad, 3 Marcus Hildesheim,4 Will Knight,6 Edward West, 7 Daytona Rigby-Dean
Year 4-6 girls

1 Grace Akeripa
2 Max and Thom

And to round out the day, we had visiting triathlete (sponsored by Turners and Growers)discussing the importance of exercise and nutrition.

Amy Stretton heading for World Champs in September

1st in line for the sausages too!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Welcome to Term 2

Week 1 Term 2

Welcome to another busy term with lots of happenings at school and lots of winter sports code commitments.

Make sure that you check out the important dates for Term 2

We have begun the week with a bit of testing for maths and language and catching up on Term 1 reflections.

This term we will have two main topics which will incorporate language and maths.
City to Coast

Alongside these, Room 6 will be working with Mrs Urwin on their performances for the school production "All at Sea".
Room 6 boys will have the parts of pirates and the girls will require fish costumes - more to come on this shortly.

8 selected leaders will be attending the National Young Leaders Day in Palmerston North on the 16th May.  Applications are due in tomorrow.

There are also Coastal Cluster sports events (touch rugby and netball) as well as the annual Technology Challenge which children will be practicing for. over the next few weeks.

There will be a chance to share your child's learning at the Student Lead Conferences and Mid-Year Reports will be out later this term (dates TBC).