Week 1 Term 2
Welcome to another busy term with lots of happenings at school and lots of winter sports code commitments.
Make sure that you check out the important dates for Term 2
We have begun the week with a bit of testing for maths and language and catching up on Term 1 reflections.
This term we will have two main topics which will incorporate language and maths.
City to Coast
Alongside these, Room 6 will be working with Mrs Urwin on their performances for the school production "All at Sea".
Room 6 boys will have the parts of pirates and the girls will require fish costumes - more to come on this shortly.
8 selected leaders will be attending the National Young Leaders Day in Palmerston North on the 16th May. Applications are due in tomorrow.
There are also Coastal Cluster sports events (touch rugby and netball) as well as the annual Technology Challenge which children will be practicing for. over the next few weeks.
There will be a chance to share your child's learning at the Student Lead Conferences and Mid-Year Reports will be out later this term (dates TBC).
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