Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Week 4

Welcome to Week 4

Monday was a popcorn day with the relieving teacher as I was attending Interface Expo in Taupo.  This was a wonderful opportunity to see how technology can be used in the classroom.

School closes at 2.00pm on Tuesday for Learning Conferences (3.00pm Wednesday).  This is an opportunity to share and discuss your child's learning. I look forward to seeing you there.

Congratulations to the mostly Room 6 orienteering team for their success on Sunday.
Congratulations to the mostly Room 6 hockey team for their 11-1 victory and Lucy for the Player of the Day.

Eden also received an award for Best 9 year old in the Aquahawks swimming club.

Harvest Table: This is all set up in the foyer of the office and signals the beginning of our Matariki celebrations. This week please bring along…

Seeds that you have saved                           Seedlings you have planted

Homemade jams, preserves or chutney, pickles etc

Take a hauhake card and keep it safely somewhere.  You will use this card on sharing day to take something off the table.

You can still contribute Legumes – chickpeas, lentils, spices, herbs (can be potted), grains, nuts, oats, buckwheat, autumn leaves and seeds, & treasures fallen from trees.

Sensory Table - Use your senses to discover new things about the spices etc on this table.

1 comment:

  1. All three boys on the Orienteering Podium are from Ocean Beach Kiwi Surf-life Saving Club. Go OBK!!!
