Sunday, May 29, 2016

Week 5

Robotics and Matariki - Week 4 review and the week ahead - #5.

Congratulations to 
Edward and Logan - recipients of certificates at last Friday's school assembly.

Mathletes - we have had a Mathletics trial to assist our maths learning for the month of May.  I set a weekly goal of gaining 1000 points - well done to those children who regularly achieved this!  Check with your child to see how they have fared!

Some children have exceeded the minimum and shown great progress over the month.  Last week's top results were:

Marcus = 11638 points
Malachi = 11387 points
Hyla = 11313 points
Will = 6018 points
Charlie d = 5760 points
Lillian = 4688 points
Grace = 4220 points

Week 5
This week we have two tutors introducing Lego Robotics to Room 6.  We have 5, two-hour sessions (miss out Thursday) which will finish next Tuesday.
We will also be working on designs for the Tech Challenge.

Our language learning will be based around this and Matariki.

In maths, we will be investigating algebra.

Remember to check out your children's blog or sign up for regular email updates. 

Inter-school rugby at Te Awa on Wednesday.
Selected children will have a notice for the Inter-school Tech Challenge which takes place on the following Wednesday. - I need a couple of parent helpers for this event.

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