Welcome to Week 3
Olympics is the class focus for the next couple of weeks and language and maths tasks will incorporate this theme as well as Maths Week Challenges. This means that in maths we will have rich problem-solving tasks that involve all operations.
The 10 session writing challenge should be completed and published by the end of the week so keep an eye on your child's blog to see the finished result.
Click on the link below
We have had Mathletics for a couple of months now and there has been a measurable difference in speed of recall and knowledge in those children who have made a concerted effort. Well done! Remember a little, focused learning regularly will improve learning.
On Monday 8th August, the choir is going to Havelock North Intermediate School for a
rehearsal. All choir members need to meet in Room 9 at 9.45 am. The children will have a
singing warm-up until 10. 10am, then have a quick morning tea, before leaving for HNIS at
10.30 am. Children need to be wearing their tidy black shoes and uniform. They will not need
to take their school bags to HNI to the rehearsal.
On Wednesday the start is earlier - Room 9 @ 9.05am.
Good luck to the many talented singers in the choir for the Kid's Sing performances.
Coastal Cluster soccer takes place next Tuesday - notices will be out this week.
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