Sunday, August 14, 2016

Week 4

There were fantastic reviews of the Haumoana School choir at the Kid's Sing - a big congratulations to all those Room 6 children involved.  It takes a lot of practice to deliver such a polished performance.

This week there is coastal cluster soccer on Tuesday - good luck to the 4 teams.

Remember the school  and interschool cross country is coming up - time to do some training out of school time.

This week we are continuing our Olympic study and will begin to work on our formal speeches for the speech competition. The topic is as below and the children will have time at school to work on this but will need assistance at home to help with practice and delivery.

WALT: to prepare and present an age-appropriate speech on any aspect of the topic of ‘an Inspirational Olympic Athlete’ to an audience of peers.

The children have access to details and success criteria.

In maths we have a sports focus but we are also reviewing and enhancing multiplication strategies.

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