Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 6

Remember to bring a drink bottle from home.

Last week 4 Year 6 boys travelled to Taupo to compete in the North Island Intermediate cycling champs.  Competing in the team time trial with Year 7's the team of Evan, Garrett, Will and Edward finished in 5th place out of the 12 teams.  Garrett also competed in the individual race where he finished in 14th place.

This week is a busy one as we try to listen to all speeches in order to choose 4 finalists for next week's competition (Tuesday 6th).  We will have a focus on listening with understanding and empathy.

We will continue with multiplicative thinking in maths.

The interschool Literary Quiz is on Wednesday and 4 Room Six students will team with 4 Year 5's to represent the school. (Charlie d, Eden, Will, Alexandra)

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