Wednesday, December 14, 2016

School Photos

School photos are out - make sure they are retrieved from the school bags!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Pool Party

Dear Parents/Caregivers
Room 6 students will be celebrating the end of the year with a pool party on Tuesday 13th December from 12pm- 1pm.  They will need to bring a plate of food along with their swimming gear.

Parents are welcome to join us.

Surfing Photos

Thursday's surf lessons at Waimarama were successful with everyone managing to catch was and stand up.  Check out the photos of the Surf School's Facebook page.

HawkesBaySurfSchool photos on Facebook.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Week 9

The countdown to the school holidays is on!

A big thank you to the parents who helped out with Optimist yachting.  No sailing but a great day despite the wind.

This week 26 children from Rooms 5 & 6 will be competing in the HB Triathlon (now a duathlon due to pool closure) champs on Tuesday.

We will be visiting Waimarama Beach for surfing lessons on Thursday - remember to get your notices back ASAP.

There is an open morning onWednesday for parents to visit the school and see learning in action (see school notice for details).

Monday, November 28, 2016

KNOTS by Lucy and Alexandra

Here are the 3 knot types that we need to know to set up our Optimist yachts.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Week 8

  • to check gear list for Optimist yachting (previous post)
  • return HB Triathlon Champ notice
  • return Interschool softball notice
Well done to the Room 6 children who supervised the Safe Cycling day in 33 degree heat last Wednesday.  You did a wonderful job explaining and modelling the learning for the day. Photos of the day and a PMI should be on the individual children's Blogs.

This week we have:
  • Optimist Yachting on Tuesday
  • Inter-school softball on Wednesday
In language we will be working on designing and publishing our own 'School Journals'.

In maths we will be continuing with Geometry.  Vocabulary related to the topic is as follows:
rotation (rotational art should be published on individual blogs)

We will also be creating yachts out of recycled material so please send bottles, bags etc to school to support this technology challenge,

Coming up next week we have the triathlon champs on Tuesday (28 children involved from Rooms 5 & 6) and a surf trip to Waimarama on Thursday.

Optimist Trip

Reminder: essential items list for Optimist yachting on Tuesday

Setting up the optimist video link Setting up the optimist

Ÿ     Morning tea
Ÿ     Drink bottle
Ÿ     Lunch
Ÿ     Sunhat
Ÿ     Towel
Ÿ     Sunscreen
Ÿ     Windproof jacket
Ÿ     Covered footwear
Ÿ     Personal medication
Ÿ     Togs/wetsuit
Ÿ     Woollen jersey or polyprop

Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 7

This week we are continuing with bike safety.  Room 6 children will be organising and instructing younger children in a range of activities designed to improve skills.

All children need to bring shoes (and helmets if possible) as some will share bikes for these activities.

We are also working on water safety prior to using the optimist yachts in Napier next Tuesday.   thank you to those parents who have offered transport and supervision.  Check out the video on setting up the yachts.

Optimist Video

Notices are out for the HB Triathlon champs - please return these by next Monday at the latest.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week 6

This week and the week following, we will be having a focus on bike safety.  As advised last week, the children will need to bring their bikes which will be used for fitness and bike skills and safety.

We will also be completing the work book with learning from the Life Education lessons from last week.

In mathematics, we are learning to use standard form (vertical algorithms) to add and subtract numbers.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Food for Thought

This week we have had Andy from Foodstuff helping us to understand for labels so we can make healthy choices.  We also have a voucher in order to purchase healthy food to make lunch.  This will take place on Monday.
Which drink contains the most sugar?

Friday, October 28, 2016

Week 4

The two short busy weeks have flown by with lots of testing and excursions.  Next week should see everyone back in class.

During week 4 we have a 'Food for Thought' educator visiting for lessons on Monday and a 4 Square visit on Tuesday.

There has been a change of plan for our walk to Cape View 4 Square.  As Elephant Hill is spraying on Tuesday, we will be walking via Parkhill and East Roads.

The children will be in their Tropicana gear but will need hats and sensible shoes for the visit.

We will also be preparing our healthy lunch for later in the week.  In groups, the children will plan, budget and assemble their lunch for Friday.

Interschool hockey takes place on Wednesday and there are still a few return slips outstanding. Please get these in as soon as possible.

Upcoming events are:

Tropicana - Week 4 (Sun 6 Nov)
Life Education (body changes) - Week 5
HNI Tech visit & Bike Safety - Week 6

The Cycle Skills competition has unfortunately been cancelled.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Term 4

Welcome back to school for Term 4 2016.  

For most of Room 6, this is the final 10 weeks of life at Haumoana Primary and it should be a busy and exciting term.

This term we have a focus on Hauora where we will be looking at ways of keeping ourselves safe and healthy in a range of contexts.

What's the Plan Stan?
Food for Thought
Life Education Trust
Cycle Safety
Optimist Yachting

We will need parent support for a number of these events so make sure that you add the important class/school events to your calendar.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Speech Comp

After a week of inspiring speeches, the four children to speak at the finals on Tuesday are

Lucy, Alexandra, Will, and Eden.

Congratulations to all children who participated and especially those who overcame their fears and stepped out of their comfort zone.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 6

Remember to bring a drink bottle from home.

Last week 4 Year 6 boys travelled to Taupo to compete in the North Island Intermediate cycling champs.  Competing in the team time trial with Year 7's the team of Evan, Garrett, Will and Edward finished in 5th place out of the 12 teams.  Garrett also competed in the individual race where he finished in 14th place.

This week is a busy one as we try to listen to all speeches in order to choose 4 finalists for next week's competition (Tuesday 6th).  We will have a focus on listening with understanding and empathy.

We will continue with multiplicative thinking in maths.

The interschool Literary Quiz is on Wednesday and 4 Room Six students will team with 4 Year 5's to represent the school. (Charlie d, Eden, Will, Alexandra)

Monday, August 22, 2016

Week 5

Reminder - HNI open evening is this Tuesday at 6.30pm.  This is an ideal opportunity to find out more about the school, educational opportunities, and technology requirements.

Homework reminder - the children have spelling, reading and Mathletics every week.

This week at school we are completing our Olympic Bloom's tasks for language.  Ask them to share their learning at home as it is available online.

The children are currently working on their formal speech.  We will start listening to their presentations next week.

In maths we are focusing on using a range of strategies to so solve multiplication and division problems.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Postponement - HNI Open Evening

Due to the 'Havelock North water issues', the HNI Open Evening is postponed until 

Tuesday 23 August @ 6.30pm

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Week 4

There were fantastic reviews of the Haumoana School choir at the Kid's Sing - a big congratulations to all those Room 6 children involved.  It takes a lot of practice to deliver such a polished performance.

This week there is coastal cluster soccer on Tuesday - good luck to the 4 teams.

Remember the school  and interschool cross country is coming up - time to do some training out of school time.

This week we are continuing our Olympic study and will begin to work on our formal speeches for the speech competition. The topic is as below and the children will have time at school to work on this but will need assistance at home to help with practice and delivery.

WALT: to prepare and present an age-appropriate speech on any aspect of the topic of ‘an Inspirational Olympic Athlete’ to an audience of peers.

The children have access to details and success criteria.

In maths we have a sports focus but we are also reviewing and enhancing multiplication strategies.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Taradale Terror Adventure Race 2016

An energetic bunch of Room 6 students took part in the Taradale Adventure Race on Friday evening - looked like lots of fun!  Click on link for photos.

Taradale Terror Photos

And see how many Haumoana children that you can spot oin the HB Today video.

HB Today video

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Week 3

Welcome to Week 3

Olympics is the class focus for the next couple of weeks and language and maths tasks will incorporate this theme as well as Maths Week Challenges.  This means that in maths we will have rich problem-solving tasks that involve all operations.

The 10 session writing challenge should be completed and published by the end of the week so keep an eye on your child's blog to see the finished result.

Click on the link below

We have had Mathletics for a couple of months now and there has been a measurable difference in speed of recall and knowledge in those children who have made a concerted effort.  Well done!  Remember a little, focused learning regularly will improve learning.

On Monday 8th August, the choir is going to Havelock North Intermediate School for a
rehearsal. All choir members need to meet in Room 9 at 9.45 am. The children will have a
singing warm-up until 10. 10am, then have a quick morning tea, before leaving for HNIS at
10.30 am. Children need to be wearing their tidy black shoes and uniform. They will not need
to take their school bags to HNI to the rehearsal.

On Wednesday the start is earlier - Room 9 @ 9.05am.

Good luck to the many talented singers in the choir for the Kid's Sing performances.

Coastal Cluster soccer takes place next Tuesday - notices will be out this week.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Term 3

Welcome back to school for Term 3.

This term we will have our integrated language, maths, social sciences  study  - "Small World" as we focus on the Rio Olympics.

Events this term include:

  • Tough Guy and Gal challenge
  • Kids Sing for the choir
  • School cross country
  • Interschool cross country
  • Interschool soccer
  • Speech competition

Monday, July 4, 2016

Week 10

Welcome to the final week of the term.


  • The first of the Tech Tasters @ Havelock North Intermediate visit take place on Thursday.  We leave at 8.45am ( as soon as the second bus arrives at school).
  • We have the Kahurangi Dance group at our final term assembly on Friday - remember to get the $5 payment in by Thursday.

The class now has access to Mathletics for the rest of the year.  The class expectation is to gain at least 1000 points per week.  This is should only take about 10 minutes per day and is instead of other maths homework.

In language this week, we are learning to write Quatrain poems.
In maths we continue with fractions.

Cycling Success

Congratulations to the school cycling team for their success in the Hawke's Bay Champs.

Grace, Will and Marcus won the  Year 7/8 Boys 17kmTeam Time Trial.

Garrett finished second in the Year 7/8 25km road race.

Very impressive for Year 6s!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Week 8

This week our inter-school netball teams are at HSP on Tuesday.  Good luck teams!

In written language , we continue with narratives.  In all writing, we have a class-wide focus on the correct use of speech marks and paragraphs.

In maths we will be learning about fractions.  Remember that you can use IXL to practise the concepts learned at school.  20 free questions daily.

We have our first full school rehearsals for the production on Thursday and Friday. The shows will be in Week 9.
Remember boys need a pirate outfit.
A BIG thank you to Katie Deck for creating the girl's costumes!

*Marae visit takes place on Friday afternoon*

Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 7

This week we will be

  • Writing narratives in language with a focus on punctuation (speech mark use).
  • Continuing with algebra in maths where will learning to create rules for sequential patterns. 
We also have the Maths advisor from Waikato visiting the school and classes to work with the teachers.

Our Thursday music sessions with Mrs Urwin are looking great as we build up to the school production.  Remember to ask your child about costume requirements.

Reminders and upcoming events
  • Inter-school netball notice went home on Friday (takes place nextTuesday 21st).
  • Garden to Table meeting 6pm Tuesday evening.
  • Matahiwi Marae visit next Friday evening (24th).

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Week 6 in review

Week 6 review . . .

  • Orienteering
  • Mathletics
  • Hangi
6 Room Six children participated in the final primary school event for the year. Well done to the boy's team (Evan, Garrett, Charlie d and Will) who dominated all 3 events and won the relay and top school on Sunday. The girl's team (Grace, Eden and Ana) finished 3rd overall.

MATHLETICS MONTH - Congratulations to Will, Malachi and Charlie d who finished in the top 25 in New Zealand for the Mathletics month competition.

The hangi was a great success.  Thanks to all those who assisted!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Week 6

I hope that you all enjoyed the long weekend and made the most of the fine but frosty days!

Congratulations to the top 3 mathletes who finished in the medal positions after 21/2 weeks of close competitions.
Gold medal - Marcus
Silver medal - Hyla
Bronze medal - Charlie d

I managed to catch up with Saturday rugby during the weekend and it was great to see the skills in action of the Clive and Tamatea teams which featured  4 current and 3 past pupils.  Well done Tamatea on a narrow victory.

This week, I am out of class on Tuesday and Wednesday undertaking assessments and professional development.

The robotics classes continue this week on Tuesday and Wednesday morning.  Thursday includes music and kapa haka and on Friday we have the school hangi (midday).  For those keen to see the hangi going down and listen to the storyteller, parents and children are invited to the school from 6am.


  • The tech teams are heading to Te Awa School on Wednesday at 11.30am.
  • There should be an interschool notice out this week for netball next Tuesday.
  • Final school orienteering event this Sunday in Matangi Rd.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Week 5

Robotics and Matariki - Week 4 review and the week ahead - #5.

Congratulations to 
Edward and Logan - recipients of certificates at last Friday's school assembly.

Mathletes - we have had a Mathletics trial to assist our maths learning for the month of May.  I set a weekly goal of gaining 1000 points - well done to those children who regularly achieved this!  Check with your child to see how they have fared!

Some children have exceeded the minimum and shown great progress over the month.  Last week's top results were:

Marcus = 11638 points
Malachi = 11387 points
Hyla = 11313 points
Will = 6018 points
Charlie d = 5760 points
Lillian = 4688 points
Grace = 4220 points

Week 5
This week we have two tutors introducing Lego Robotics to Room 6.  We have 5, two-hour sessions (miss out Thursday) which will finish next Tuesday.
We will also be working on designs for the Tech Challenge.

Our language learning will be based around this and Matariki.

In maths, we will be investigating algebra.

Remember to check out your children's blog or sign up for regular email updates. 

Inter-school rugby at Te Awa on Wednesday.
Selected children will have a notice for the Inter-school Tech Challenge which takes place on the following Wednesday. - I need a couple of parent helpers for this event.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Week 4

Welcome to Week 4

Monday was a popcorn day with the relieving teacher as I was attending Interface Expo in Taupo.  This was a wonderful opportunity to see how technology can be used in the classroom.

School closes at 2.00pm on Tuesday for Learning Conferences (3.00pm Wednesday).  This is an opportunity to share and discuss your child's learning. I look forward to seeing you there.

Congratulations to the mostly Room 6 orienteering team for their success on Sunday.
Congratulations to the mostly Room 6 hockey team for their 11-1 victory and Lucy for the Player of the Day.

Eden also received an award for Best 9 year old in the Aquahawks swimming club.

Harvest Table: This is all set up in the foyer of the office and signals the beginning of our Matariki celebrations. This week please bring along…

Seeds that you have saved                           Seedlings you have planted

Homemade jams, preserves or chutney, pickles etc

Take a hauhake card and keep it safely somewhere.  You will use this card on sharing day to take something off the table.

You can still contribute Legumes – chickpeas, lentils, spices, herbs (can be potted), grains, nuts, oats, buckwheat, autumn leaves and seeds, & treasures fallen from trees.

Sensory Table - Use your senses to discover new things about the spices etc on this table.

Friday, May 20, 2016


As a build up to our Matariki celebrations, Room 6 were taught to weave harakeke (flax) baskets to use as plates for the upcoming hangi.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Week 3

Welcome to Week 3

The Harvest Table has been set up in the office and it's looking spectacular.  This is part of our Matariki study.  Check with your children to see what they can donate . . . and swap later in the term.

Learning Conference newsletters went out today.  Times are 2.15 - 5.00pm on the 24th and 3.00 -5.30pm on the 25th.  This is a great opportunity to share your child's learning

Monday was NYLD - a van load of Haumoana students joined 2000 others for inspiration in Palmerston North.  More to come on individual and class blogs soon!

Tuesday - we had a visit from the 'Waste Team' who shared their message about waste minimisation.

In writing, we are learning to write reports and in maths, we will be learning about volume and capacity.

It is Week 3 of the free Mathletics offer and all children are expected to reach 1000 points by Sunday.

Last week's competition was close and the top five were

Malachi - 7062 points
Charlie d - 6989 points
Will - 6100 points
Grace - 5470 points
Lexi  - 5540 points

Monday, May 9, 2016


Room 6 children have access to Mathletics for the month of May.  Using this programme is part of their homework and takes place of other maths homework tasks.

We have an in class competition with weekly prizes.

Congratulations to this week's winners

Malachi - 7595 points

Will - 4900 points
Evan - 2772 points

Prizes next week for the top 5

Duathlon Success

Primary School Duathlon results  - congratulations to all who took part on Friday.  You represented Haumoana School extremely well.  Full Results are available on Trihb website.

Year 4-6 boys
In the top ten
1 Garrett Olsen, 2 Evan Broad, 3 Marcus Hildesheim,4 Will Knight,6 Edward West, 7 Daytona Rigby-Dean
Year 4-6 girls

1 Grace Akeripa
2 Max and Thom

And to round out the day, we had visiting triathlete (sponsored by Turners and Growers)discussing the importance of exercise and nutrition.

Amy Stretton heading for World Champs in September

1st in line for the sausages too!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Welcome to Term 2

Week 1 Term 2

Welcome to another busy term with lots of happenings at school and lots of winter sports code commitments.

Make sure that you check out the important dates for Term 2

We have begun the week with a bit of testing for maths and language and catching up on Term 1 reflections.

This term we will have two main topics which will incorporate language and maths.
City to Coast

Alongside these, Room 6 will be working with Mrs Urwin on their performances for the school production "All at Sea".
Room 6 boys will have the parts of pirates and the girls will require fish costumes - more to come on this shortly.

8 selected leaders will be attending the National Young Leaders Day in Palmerston North on the 16th May.  Applications are due in tomorrow.

There are also Coastal Cluster sports events (touch rugby and netball) as well as the annual Technology Challenge which children will be practicing for. over the next few weeks.

There will be a chance to share your child's learning at the Student Lead Conferences and Mid-Year Reports will be out later this term (dates TBC).

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Week 11

ANZAC week

This week we will focus on ANZAC for all our language learning culminating with an ANZAC assembly on Friday.  Parents and grandparents are welcome to attend.

In maths we are learning about perimeter and area.

Perimeter Vs Area Song

We also have squash coaches visiting and a trip to the Marewa squash courts with Room 5 on Wednesday.  Remember to bring your togs as we will be visiting Onekawa pools as well.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Reminders for Week 10

Inter-school cricket takes place this Wednesday

Squash skills takes place next Wednesday

Remember to bring in your return slips!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Room Six Orienteering

6 Room Six children took part in the HB Sprint Orienteering Champs on Wednesday evening with considerable success.

Evan 1st
Garrett 2nd
Will 4th
Charlie d 6th

Grace 4th
Eden 13th

Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 8

A short week this week and next!  It's important to remember to get organised for camp over the Easter break..

Departure time for camp is 9.00am Wednesday 30th.

Good luck to the children attending the School Orienteering Champs on Wednesday evening.

The links to the children's blogs are now on the Room 6 blog.  make sure that you 'follow by email'.

This week we will be learning to work interdependently to create our evening camp meal for next Wednesday.  Please give your children practical advice where needed.

We will be looking at 'camp maths' which is a practical way to use everyday maths skills.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Week 7

Welcome to Week 7
Firstly a couple of reminders . . .

Camp Fees are due Monday 21st of March (that's next Monday) and . .


Bus pick up time: 9am                      
Estimated finish time: 2.15pm
Bus delivery back to school time: 2.45pm
The children are expected to bring the following items with them
  • Wearing covered shoes
  • Lunch
  • Water Bottle
Parents are welcome to attend.  either jump on the bus with us or travel by car.

In the classroom, we will have a quick look at geometry (position and location) on Monday as Garrett and Will have prepared a course around the school grounds for the class to compete and then we will return to Multiplication.

Writing and Reading will have a focus on correct use of paragraphing and punctuation.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

PALs (Physical Activity Leaders)

Ten Room 6 children traveled to Pettigrew-Green Arena to receive instruction on how to lead physical activities for younger students.  They attended six workshops including communication skills, trouble shooting and leadership.  They have developed a roster and will be leading games at lunch times for the juniors.

2016 PALs - Katrina, Payten, Will, Manu, Daytona, Logan, Jordis, Lulu, Lucy and Samantha